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Cuong Le Van

Total Factor Productivity, Saving Rate and Learning-by-Doing in Growth Process.

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

In transitional stage saving rate play an important role in output growth rate as proposed by Krugman. Accumulationists are also right as claiming that learning-by-doing play an important role in TFP growth in NIEs. However, using a CES production technology...

Existence of competitive equilibrium in an optimal growth model with heterogeneous agents and endogenous...

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

This paper proves the existence of competitive equilibrium in a singlesector dynamic economy with heterogeneous agents and elastic labor supply. The method of proof relies on some recent results concerning the existence of Lagrange multipliers in infinite...

New Technology, Human Capital, Total Factor Productivity and Growth Process for Developing

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

Solowian view on miracle growth rate in NIEs as a result of productivity growth whereas many others (e.g. Krugman [1997]) convince that broad capital accumulation is only true engine underlying NIEs growth. Krugman’s view is correct in the short...

No arbitrage condition and existence of equilibrium in infinite or finite dimension with expected risk...

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

We consider a general equilibrium model in asset markets with a countable set of states and expected risk averse utilities. The agents do not have the same beliefs. We use the methods in Le Van – Truong Xuan (JME, 2001) but one of their assumption...

A Non-dictatorial Criterion for Optimal Growth Models.

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

There are two main approaches for defining social welfare relations for an economy with infinite horizon. The first one is to consider the set of intertemporal utility streams generated by a general set of bounded consumptions, and define a preference...

Walras and Dividends Equilibrium With Possibly Satiated Consumers.

Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022

The main contribution of the paper is to provide a weaker nonsatiation assumption than the one commonly used in the literature to ensure the existence of competitive equilibrium. Our assumption allows for satiation points in the set of individually feasible...