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Causal Inference and Public Policy 2021

Ngày diễn ra: 01/03/2021

Causal Inference is a process of checking whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between two events in a given situation. Causal Inference is widely applied in different fields, especially data analysis in social sciences, health and evaluating the effectiveness of projects and policies of organizations and businesses.

Before each project, policy is implemented, we often ask the question whether the implemented project or policy really affects the target audience or not? Is there any misconception in this impact assessment? What factors lead to this misunderstanding and how to minimize the influence of these factors? Learning about  Causal Inference  will help us answer those questions.

Application of Causal Inference in Policy and Project Evaluation:

– To know the cause and severity of the problem

– To know the effectiveness of policies and projects

– To understand the costs, barriers, and unintended impacts of policies and projects

Student Benefits

– Equipped with knowledge according to the standards of the American universities Duke, Princeton: the framework for assessing the impact of policies, projects and the most popular research methods

– Equipped with data analysis skills: statistical knowledge, skills in using CHEAP tools

– Practice with your own project with guidance from the instructor


Project officers of organizations and enterprises

Lecturers, students, graduate students in the social and medical sciences

Anyone interested in Causal Inference

Detailed Information

Causal Inference and Public Policy April 2021
Course content:​

1. Potential Outcomes Framework

2. Randomized Controlled Trials

3. Matching

4. Difference-in-Differences

5. Regression

6. Discontinuity

7. Optional content


• Language: teaching and discussion in Vietnamese, materials/curricula in English.

• Approach: theory and practice in parallel each session

In addition, at the end of each lesson, the class will have a small tea party to create conditions for students and lecturers to exchange, network,…

• Entry level: from Beginner

• The main tool to use: R, those who do not know about #R can join the tutoring class (free) before the course

• Course content: https://bit.ly/3jecDEg

• Class time: Morning 9am – 12pm and afternoon 14pm – 5pm on April 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2020 (Saturday)

• Online via Zoom and offline in Hanoi


Tuition: 3,500,000 VND

Tuition discount:

– 5% discount on tuition fees for those who register and complete tuition before March 17, 2021

– 5% discount on tuition for groups registering 3 or more people

– 10% discount on tuition for groups registering 3 or more people and completing tuition before March 17, 2021

– 10% discount on tuition fees for students who are introduced by CASED alumni and complete tuition fees before March 17, 2021

Hotline: 035.840.8490 (Ms. Hai)

Phan Tuấn Ngọc

PhD Candidate in Political Science, Duke University, USA

Trịnh Đức Duy

PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of California, San Diego, USA, hiện đang công tác tại ĐH Princeton

Cảm nhận của học viên

T. H. Anh - New York University

Causal Inference and Public Policy is one of the most interesting courses I have ever attended. In terms of knowledge, the teachers turned seemingly dry topics into very intuitive discussions through examples from Vietnam and internationally. Students also learn directly with R software. In terms of classroom experience, class members are very close to each other through group activities and extracurricular activities.

L. H. P. Lien - Hanoi University of Culture

Every time we launch any project, the question is always: How effective is it to the target audience? And two mistakes we often make are: Before and After and Difference in mean. But there’s a hidden culprit that we all forget: Omitted Variable Bias (OVB). Thanks to the course, I have known 5 methods of working with data to minimize OVB. I will try to apply as much of this useful knowledge as possible.

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