024 - 39351419
024- 39351418
Cuong Le Van
When Does a Developing Country Use New Technologies?
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
We develop a model of optimal pattern of economic development that is first rooted in physical capital accumulation and then in technical progress. We study an economy where capital accumulation and innovative activity take place within a two sector model....
Non-convex Aggregate Technology and Optimal Economic Growth.
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
This paper examines a model of optimal growth where the aggregation of two separate well behaved and concave production technologies exhibits a basic non-convexity. First, we consider the case of strictly concave utility function: when the discount rate...
With Exhaustible Resources, Can A Developing Country Escape From The Poverty Trap?
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
This paper studies the optimal growth of a developing non-renewable natural resource producer, which extracts the resource from its soil, and produces a single consumption good with man-made capital. Moreover, it can sell the extracted resource abroad...
New Technology, Human Capital and Growth for Developing Countries.
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
We consider a developing country with three sectors in economy: consumption goods, new technology, and education. Productivity of the consumption goods sector depends on new technology and skilled labor used for production of the new technology. We show...