024 39351419
024 39351418
Conducting an end-line study on situation of domestic violence and sex ratio at birth in Hai Duong and Ben Tre
Đơn vị tài trợ UNFPA
Ben Tre, Hai Duong, Ha Nam, Thai Binh, va Tien Giang
June – October 2016
Two pilot models on domestic violence prevention and response (DVPC) and prevention of sex-ratio at birth (SRB) imbalance were designed and have been implemented in Hai Duong and Ben Tre provinces since 2013 with a strong linkage to and technical support from central projects of MOCST, MOH, and Social Organizations (SOs). At the end of the project, an end-line study is called for to collect end-line data for both intervention models on DV and SRB, including level of knowledge, attitudes/perceptions and practices (KAP) of local authorities, key leaders in communities, men and women on DV and SRB imbalance and propose recommendations for nationwide application of the intervention models.
Regarding to the objectives, for the domestic violence prevention and response component, the objectives include (i) Provide robust data on the level of knowledge, attitudes/perceptions and practices (KAP) of local authorities, key leaders in communities, men and women on DV; (ii) Identify the availability of and accessibility to counselling, health care, treatment, support and protection services for DV victims; and hotline services; (iii) Provide information on the operation of the multi sectoral coordination mechanism on DVPC, as well as the data collection and reporting system; (iv) Analyze and assess the effectiveness of MIP through comparison of DV situation between base-line and end-line studies; and (v) Propose recommendations for nationwide application of MIP. For the sex ratio at birth component, the objectives include (i) Provide robust data on the level of knowledge, attitudes/perceptions and practices (KAP) of local authorities, media, services providers, key leaders in communities, community members, especially couples and their extended families on SRB imbalance, SRB related law and policies, gender equality and roles of women in relation with men in family, community and at work, son preference, and gender-biased sex selection, (ii) provide information on the capacity of officials from relevant departments and sectors and local project personnel on the development, implementation and management of the intervention model on addressing imbalanced SRB; (iii) provide information on the data collection and reporting system for SRB in Hai Duong province, (iv) draw key lessons from the Project intervention in Hai Duong and provide a set of clear and forward ard looking options leading to strategic and actionable recommendations for the next programming cycle in regards to addressing SRB imbalance in Viet Nam and (v) propose recommendations for nationwide application of the SRB intervention packages. We combine both qualitative and quantitative survey to conduct this survey. For the quantitative survey, we conducted interviews with 2068 people in 5 provinces: Hai Duong, Thai Binh, Ha Nam, Ben Tre and Tien Giang. For the qualitative study, we conducted focus group discussions with the representative of People’s Commitee, Women’s Union, Farmer’s Union and other relevant departments at the provincial, district and commune levels. In addition, we also conducted some in-depth interviews with key informants such as the commune health staff and women who were victims of domestic violences.
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