This study aims to explore some key factors that affect the transfer of knowledge from business
schools to business organizations through in-service training students. A model incorporating
three major antecedents of knowledge transfer?students’ intrinsic motivation for knowledge
transfer, the knowledge and skills that students acquire from business schools (acquired
knowledge), and the innovative culture of business organizations?is developed. The model was
tested with a sample of 843 in-service training students by means of structural equation
modeling. The results show that intrinsic motivation and acquired knowledge are determinants of
knowledge transfer. Innovative culture enhances intrinsic motivation and acquired knowledge
but does not directly improve knowledge transfer. Further, intrinsic motivation for knowledge
transfer underlies the knowledge and skills acquired by students from business schools. Finally,
competitive value positively moderates the relationship between students’ intrinsic motivation
for knowledge transfer and the transfer of knowledge from business schools to business
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