• depocen@depocen.org
  • 024 - 39351419
  • 024- 39351418

Hoạt động tư vấn

Asian Barometer Survey (ABS)

The Vietnam Survey


The Asian Barometer Survey (ABS) is a regional survey aiming to collect public opinion on issues such as political values, democracy,...

World Bank

Local consulting services for improvement of user experience in public services on...


Bureau of Administrative Procedures- Government Office (APC-GO) on the WB's support to the OOG in "evaluating the quality of user experience...

Social Impact

Data Collection for Tuberculosis Private Sector Engagement Study in Hanoi City


Data collection will be conducted in four types of locations: hospitals (public and private), clinics (public and private), commune...


Study confirming evidence supporting stronger TAPS regulations based on assessing...


DEPOCEN is selected to conduct a monitoring project which aims at providing evidence on Tobacco Advertising and Promotion violations...

Unicef, Save the Children

“Work – No Child’s Business” Project


Specific objectives of this assignment are: • To establish mid-term values for the project's KPIs by collecting relevant data within...

Global Health Avocacy Incubator (GHAI)

Conducting Research and Evidence Base Planning, Preparation Work for Viet Nam Healthy...


While the Vietnamese government has put certain efforts to strengthening the right to health for Vietnamese people, with a focus on...

Danh sách

Khách hàng tiêu biểu

DEPOCEN đã cung cấp các dịch vụ chất lượng cao tới nhiều tổ chức quốc tế tại Việt Nam. Chúng tôi cũng đã hợp tác và tham vấn chính sách cho các bộ, ban, ngành, và cơ quan quản lý Nhà nước.