6 major study areas: (i) Northern Midlands and Mountains, (ii) Red River Delta, (iii) North and South Central Coast, (iv) Central Highlands, (v) Southeast, (vi) Mekong River Delta
The Asian Barometer Survey (ABS) is a regional survey aiming to collect public opinion on issues such as political values, democracy, and governance across Asia, including Viet Nam. The survey is conducted by the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica and the Institute for the Advanced Studies of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University. For Viet Nam, the sixth-wave survey will be administered in 2021-2022.
The program has three main objectives:
i. To generate a region-wide base of scientifically reliable and comparable data consisting of public opinions on issues such as political values, democracy, governance, human security, and economic reforms.
ii. To strengthen intellectual and institutional capacity for research on democracy.
iii. To disseminate survey results to academics and policy circles, including decision-makers in legislative and executive branches of government, policy advocates and civic educators, journalists, academic researchers, international investors, and NGOs concerned with democratic development.
The sixth wave ABS survey in Viet Nam aims to gather information from a representative pool of the Vietnamese adult population, using strict research standards to ensure that the data is reliable and comparable with other countries and previous waves.