024 - 39351419
024- 39351418
Vu Hoang Nam
KAIZEN for Managerial Skills Improvement in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Impact Evaluation Study...
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
An inquiry into the determinants of Vietnamese product export
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
Export led growth is the model of economic development that Vietnam has been following. While there are a great number of studies on the determinants of aggregate export of Vietnam, there are few that analyze the impacts of different factors on the export...
The Roles of Formal Schooling in Workers’ Job Self-selection and Income in Village-based Industrial...
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
While village industries are known to play an important role in the development of rural areas in developing countries, little is known about village industries in transition economies. Also, little attention has been paid to the question of how human...