024 - 39351419
024- 39351418
Patrick Eozenou
Optimal Risk Sharing Under Limited Commitment: Evidence From Rural Vietnam
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
We use panel data from a household survey conducted in Vietnam to analyze the effectiveness of informal risk sharing arrangements in protecting household consumption from idiosyncratic income shocks. We focus on the effects of reported harvest shocks...
Price Elasticity Estimates for Cigarette Demand in Vietnam
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
In this paper, we analyze a complete demand system to estimate the price elasticity for cigarette demand in Vietnam. Following Deaton (1990), we build a spatial panel using cross sectional household survey data. We consider a model of simultaneous choice...
The Determinants of Private Transfers in Rural Vietnam
Xuất bản: 27 July, 2022
We use the Vietnam Living Standard Survey conducted in 1993 and in 1998 to analyze the determinants of private transfers among rural farmers. Private transfers are widespread and important relative to pre-transfer income levels of recipients in both years....